Monday 25 February 2013

This is my rough edit of my movie - Still a lot to be done.

This is the rough edit of my music video.

I have tried to capture a vast variety of shot, so when people look at the rough edit they can then give me the feedback on what they love and what they hate. This means that i can edit it around what they want and thinks works best as they audience. I myself no that there needs to be a lot of work to be done on it. However i think the rough edit is a good start.

The rough edit is a fundamental part to the video not only for the feedback. However it also allows you as the producer to use it as a waypoint to stop and look where you are and what you think needs to be done to improve the video, there is always something that can be done better, no first draft is perfect without any hiccups.

In the video i am trying to capture two things.  One is that jay who plays the girl who is not so wealthy. Jay is in a dream fantasising about having a boyfriend like Ludo, not only this but she is dreaming about living a vastly different lifestyle and is dreaming about having money and better clothes. This moves me on to the second thing in which i am trying to capture; i am also trying to capture the difference between the rich and the poor and the conflict that arises between them.

It is very hard to see this in the video, this is one of the things in which i saw, i am trying to make it a bit less subtle and a little bit more obvious to see.

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