Wednesday 20 February 2013

7. Do a flat plan of your digipak (the paper equivalent of a storyboard) work out the layout you want, and plan the type of photos you need to take of your star. Digipak templates are available from Mrs B.

This is a photo of my digipack the way i want it to be. Sorry the drawings are not the most artistic, im not the best at drawing. I wanted to capture the images at the right time. As you can tell from my drawings i am not the most artisitic man to walk the planet. However i think my digipack really saymbolises what my video is really about. The digipack is vital becuase it offers everything you need to know about the album itself and what it includes.  

People have different ideas and i wanted to try and keep mine as basic as i can. However i wanted to use images which mean something to the song and not only this, will give people an insight into the album and what it includes.

Instead of taking photos i am just going to take images from the video itself this gives the truth into the video. As well as this it is truthful and will hopefull give that feelling off.

I hope that the digipack gives off the feeling that i am trying to capture the difference between the rich and the poor. As well as this i am also trying to show in the video that jay is also fantasing about living the lifestyle in which letty is living.

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