Sunday 24 February 2013

The print advert Flat Plan

This is my flat plan for my print advert, it is a photo of Letty  with the album name above her hear in a smaller font to really drag the attention of people towards it.  As well as this they will also be intruigd into the print advert. Giving a higher percentage of them buying the album.  The main problem of doing advert or a album is you have to make sure it is highly artistic and intruiging. This is due to the fact that no one is buying albums anymore or Cd's unless it is for their cars or stereos. This therefore means that you have to try and make the advert as intruiging as possible.

The flat plan is vital as it gives people a greater insight into what you will be including in your advert, as well as this it gives you the production team a greater insight into what the people like with the constructive feedback into which they give you. This gives you time to change things to what the people want. This means when it comes down to it, you have changed what you where going to release around what other people want and essentially this should make them a lot happier and intriuge them into the album, or at the least it will catch their attention.

The flat plan also allows for you to get feedback if you send the flat plan around your friends and family as well as this post it on internet sites, as well as this you ask for some feedback. You can take what other people say into consideration as if they have noticed it and think you can improve on it you most probaly should.
Not only this it allows you to use your ideas and imagination to think about what artistic values you could use to change your flat plan to become more artisitc. More colour and artisitic drawings will draw more attention to the flat plan.

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