Friday 12 October 2012

I chose this music video because; both Gabriella Cilmi and Pamola Faith have a very unique voice. You can see that there styles are very different but yet their songs are very similar. Gabriella Cilmi has attempted to give this video a very serial feel to it. Like we are present when she is filming the video. She has not used challenging shots as the majority of them are a medium shot with close-ups. The first shot we see of her is a Dutch tilt from a high angle, we then see a medium shot of a man playing the drums, and it then jumps back to her lying on the ground. As she gets up we see the camera moving higher. We then see a close up of someone playing the guitar. This is only 14 seconds into the song but we get a country like feel. We see next a close up of the drummer and the celloist. This means that we get an immediate feel for the shots that she will be using throughout the song. She uses some props such as a caged door, to give us an effect of a guy in prison. ‘Or behind bars' so to speak. We see a close up of his face. The camera is very keen its tracking shots and also uses a lot of close ups on the artist and instrument at hand. 44 seconds in to the song we see a 180 degree shot of a man being hung upside down, with rope tied around his body. Cilmi then walks in to the shot and we get a rear view. At 1.02 we have a dolly zoom which is when the camera moves towards the artists.1.06 we have an extreme close up of the man hanging upside down lower face. The camera then pans to someone being tied up in auxiliary chords on the ground. Again we see a dolly zoom. At 1.46 we see an extreme zoom on her face as she is sitting down in the arm chair. At 1.55-2.00 we see the camera zoom out revealing a man in a box in then stays stationary and zoom in on the singer. We then see a low angle shot of her. There is then a high angle of her pouring the water and a close up of the water hitting his face. At 2.57 we see a subjective shot of a man tied in the chair. At 2 58 we see the first long shot of the band in the barn. Because of the lyrics nothing sweet bout me. She is tormenting the men in her video. Considering she was only 16 at the time of the release this is very brave of her.

Within the first six seconds of the video we see, lily Allen awkwardly sitting on the end of her bed as the camera zooms into her face, which takes us from a mid-shot to a close up. For 3 seconds we get a mid-panning shot of her in bed with a man hugging. We then jump to her sitting on the bed as we zoom in on her; it then goes to her lying on the sofa eating. We immediately get an impression that she is or has gone through a bad break up recently and is having flashbacks about it. At 15 seconds into the song we then go to another flashback of them reading at 17 seconds we jump back to a close up of her eating a chocolate brownie. We then go to a panning mid shot if her eating in her bed. We then have a mid-shot to a close up back out to a panning mid shot of her sitting on her bed. Which is using dolly zoom coming in on an angle? At 40 seconds the atmosphere and the scene changes to her up against a wall in what looks like a rough part of a city with graffiti surrounding her. As a man approaches her we see an over the shoulder shot of her giving money to the man. We suddenly realise what she is doing and she walks away. We then see a mid-shot of 4 people against a wall and being handed money from lily Allen as a shot reverse shot. At 57 seconds we see the camera pan out. We see a dolly shot of a man on the phone walking down a street. It the jumps to a long shot and in the shot we see a girl who was handed money by the guy who lily gave money to, (that may have sounded confusing. She then attacks the man and another guy who was against the wall joins in. They then return back to lily Allen and get some money. However the twist is he is on a date with her. Then they start talking about it and in this we see a shot reverse shot as they drink their coffee then see a shot of the boy and girl in his house scratching and causing mischief. With a long shot of lily watching. As we know that she has planned all this. We also see a mid-shot of them nearly getting back together and then not. We then see a mid-shot of him trying to DJ but can’t because everything is scratched. The finishing shot is a dolly shot of her walking down the road singing. This video is more of a short story about seeking revenge on someone who broke up with you. However sometimes you can take it too far.

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