Wednesday 12 December 2012

Costumes and Props


   This is the type of jacket in which i would like lettty to wear. As it bring a sense of money into the equation but also it is a very nice jacket and would suit the countryside theme.  I would find it in holland and holland and would cost around 80 -120 quid.

This is the shirt in which i would like Ludo to wear, as it is a colourful shirt which will bring the attention to him, as well as this he is playing lettys' boyfriend, so i want him to be well dressed. As well as this he is also going to be very wealthy. This shirt i can find at river island, and would cost around £30.

These are the jeans in which i would like Ludo to wear, as i want him to dress well but at the same time look casual. These jeans are the form of jeans as they are not to baggy but yet not tp tight, as well as this they are also very simple.  I could find them at Diesel on the king road in London if not there then i could go to Harrods, they would cost about £60.

This cardigan is very plain, which would be idea for Ludo to wear as it would suit the Blue shirt and navy blue jeans, I would find at LEVIS or RIVER ISLAND. I think that i will make sure that Ludo only has one costume change, where Letty is having 4. I think that the uniform shows him to be upper class but not boasting it.It would cost about £20.


I will lend Ludo a pair of shoes and a LEVIS brown belt to borrown and the shoes in which i will lend him will be a pair of brown swead Tods.

Monday 10 December 2012

Letty Clothing

This is a dress in which i would like Letty to wear as it creates a very happy emotion with it. As well as this it is a very ' chirpy ' dress as is the song so it fits perfectly. I think it should be worn by Letty, as in the video she is the one with the money.
These are the style of trousers i would like Letty to wear at the Beach, As they are baggy but also stylish and if  it is windy, it will give a nice effect of blowing in the wind. Also they are thin so realisticly it is what you would wear when going down to the beach.
This is the type of clothing that i would like Letty to wear, When we use a scenic shot for instance her walking the dogs. As i feel the clothing gives a immediate impact of having money, as well as this it also gives a feel of relaxation which i feel mixes well with the song.

Monday 3 December 2012

Props- Point 20

I am just working out my budget i know the shops i need to go to in order to buy the items however not the prices.

Once i know the prices i will have the clothing withing 3 days of nothing.

My budget as stands is 100 pounds but i need to talk to my parents as i think it will come to 200

Sorry for the delay

Plan and collect all props and costumes.

When it comes to my props i thought a lot about this.

The men -
  •                 Black trousers
  •                 Wite shirt.
  •                  Braces.
  •                  Tie.
  •                  White socks.
  •                  black shoes.


Bright Dress.
Loose Dress.
Loose african themed bottoms.
White Crop top.
Flip Flops.
Big Puffa jacket.
Wellington Boots.
Skinny Blue Jenes.
Big Furry Hat.
Long Socks.

Short Dress.
Grubby T- Shirt.
Track Suites.
Addidas Hoodie.
Short Socks.
Old Sandals.
Full body bikini.
Thin jacket.
Short thin dark dress.

Filming Point 21

Sadly i have not started filming however evidence will be on the blog within the week.

Plan locations

The locations in which i have decided to use are;

· The sandy section of the hove sea beach.

The sandy section will give the rich women more of an effect. As it is a sandy beach and she is being swarmed by people offering her goods. Also she can look out on the beach.

· Around the corner there is a section of small rocks i will also use this.

This is ideally for the poor women as she can’t walk on sandy beaches she has large rocks and pebbles but yet enjoys it to the max.

· The stretch between the refectory and the sport hall.

This will be used when the poor girl is walking down when it enters the chorus there will be some back up dancers to enlighten the situation.

· The Round Square outside in the Middle.

We will used a Bird’s Eye view from the roof looking down on the Rich girl (Letty) walking around the square.

· At home in the top field.

This will give the video a scenic view and i will use letty dressed up walking the dogs, as well as giving it a scenic view it will also give it a country feel.

· At home looking out the lakes.

This would be an empty scene just of the dogs running about by the lakes to give a feel of wealth and peace.

· The bath in Round Square.

This is going to be used by Jay the poor girl for a wash and also a change between scenes should give it an interesting feel to it.

· Silent walk.

This is going to be used by letty as she walks down there being swarmed by men dancing and singing as she is doing the same.

· My house drive.

This is going to be used by jay as you see her working in the drive way doing the edging and then you see letty walk by.

· As I’m driving the moving images flowing through.

It will be driving with jay in the car as she looks out the window she thinks about her life and how fortunate she has been and how happy she is but also how you can see that she is jealous.

We then see me with Letty, Letty looks out and have an urge for more and is not thinking about how important life is and how fortunate she has been.



Friday 30 November 2012

Shot List

Shot list

The beach

·       Bird’s eye view of the rich women walking down the beach, being swarmed by people offering her goods.

·       We then see a close up of the poor women offering the goods to the rich women. This shot starts with a close up and then zooms back out.

·       We then see a subjective shot of 5 men medalling over to get the rich women stuff sorted with food, drink and a tanning bed.

·       After a shot reverse shot between the rich and poor   we see the poor women skimming stones in to the sea.


·       The poor woman is on her knees and we are using an arc shot, this is to symbolise the poor having to be compelled to the rich. And also the difference between the two beaches.


On campus

·       The first shot will be on the path between the refectory and the sports centre. This will be a dolly shot.


·       We will then go over to the apple orchard and as the beat changes the poor girl will do a swing this shall be a mid-shot.



·       As she swings she grabs an apple and the rich girl has an apple this is a dolly zoom.


·       We then have a long shot of the rich girl walking with dancers who are male either side of her.


·       When the rich girl is walking down silent walk. Again with a mid-shot


·       Subjective shot of the poor girl sitting down with her head and hands.


·       We see a long shot of the poor girl walking towards the camera and the girl being bullied and repulsing everyone around her. `



At home


·        I am going to get a scenic shot which will be of my back garden with the lakes. This will be an arc shot.

·       I will get a moving shot of the scenery as I am driving to show many things going by.

Friday 16 November 2012

Animatic story board

This is the animatic story board i created of my song which is upside down by pamola faith. I found this task challenging at first but it will give the audience a better insight into my music video and what it will include. As well as this it also gave me a better understanding of what to do and how to do it. This gaved me great knowledge of how to do it.

Thursday 15 November 2012

Audience Reaserch

This is my Audience Research in which i went around asking the boys in my houses, what do they think is a good music video and what makes a bad music video. The people i asked participated in this and it went well. It gave me a good insight into what the people like and what they look for in a music video.

Story Board

This is my story board, as you can tell art is not my strongest side so i struggled with the drawing. So i  apologise if the pictures are not clear.

Friday 2 November 2012

Point 13

I think music is a vital part of peoples life, some music can be used as reflection within a time of hardship and some music could boost people's confidence, make them happy, make them sad and music could be used to enjoy and have fun with. There is such a vast variety of music which consist of ; classical , pop , alternative, indie , rock , punk , reggae, house, trance, dubsteb and so many more. People dont all enjoy the same music everyone has a different taste so a lot more varied than others. Some may only like house, others may like house , reggae, pop and rock.

The song in which i have decided to do is Upside down by Pamola Faith. This song has a variety of genres such as it consists of Alternative, soft rock and pop.
As you can see in her music video she is a solo artist which perfroms by herself. The song in itself is a very happy song which puts a smile on your face and makes you want to dance. In the music video i am creating i am going to try and cipy this idea and make my music video bright and chirpy, Also i am going to try and shoot as much as i cas outside do give it more of an open effect.

As you can see from the photo another band in which i am intrested in extracting idea from their music video's are the noisettes. They are an alternative band who are very similar to pamola faith. I think it is vital to take other ideas from othe videos, rather than just copying the one that you have decided to remake. The noisettes only recently became famous as has Pamola faith though. They where introduced to the world about 3 years, with their track, dont upset the rhythm, which has been one of their most famous tracks with over 2 million views on you tube. In 2009 it reached number 2 in the chard in the UK.It was number 4 in the hot 100 singles. So the track made a name for itself very quickly.
In my music video, i think that is it vital that i give an impression of the artist and how she is a solo artist. I will include a cheorgraphed dance in some stage to keep the audiance engaged with the video and what is going on. As well as this i will to make it as bright as i can and will keep some of the original ideas used. however i do not think i will be able to do the scene with the balloons. As well as this i am also going to use both female and male people in the video. However it will only be one female the whole way through.

Thursday 1 November 2012

Point 12 -Institutions

This is a logo owned by Sony Music Entertainment. It is an American record label, owned by Sony  Music Entertainment. Though it was originally conceived as a jazz, it has now expanded on a drastic basis and covers a wide variety of genres.



Founded in 1995. The label began to thrive when its name was changed to Universal Records to advertise and show off the branding of the main institution which is Universal Studios. It was founded by 2 people Doug Morris and Daniel Glass. Universal Records had success in breaking new artists. When the 1990s ended and the 2000s came into touch, the label had great success with acts like 3 door cinema club, lil Wayne and mika.


YouTube is a video-sharing website, founded by three in February 2005. You tube allows people to upload any video in which they desire and it is great for advertisement. If you sing you could upload yourself doing a cover someone and this is how some people have made their name for themselves. Google bought it for 1.65 billion dollars. However 50,400 hours of video are uploaded on to your tube every day with record numbers of 4 billion views a day. 72 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute. In 2011, YouTube had more than 1 trillion views or around 140 views for every person on Earth, over 100 years of video watched every day which means 500 years of YouTube video are watched every day on Facebook, and over 700 YouTube videos are shared on Twitter each minute.

Monday 29 October 2012

Tribes = Alternative

It has been said that the audience to watch my video will be an alternative crowd. This tells me what i need to do in my music video in order to make it a popular video. Now that i know my crowd i need to research what i need to do in order to make sure that it fits the genre and the audience. So it is popular. Thus this should enable me to know more about the people who i am trying to persuade to watch the video. As well as this if i research what they like then i can include as much as i can in the video.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Mood board


I did not use a lot of images because it was hard to find images that depicted the mood of the song. Yellow is frequent because it us a bright coulour. The images reveal the song is bright and happy and makes you want to dance, also its quite a relaxing and chilled song.

Monday 15 October 2012

9 shots

 I think these are the key shots because in shot 1, you see a point of view shot looking at the band members asleep. Which is signifying the beginning of the video? In shot two you see them waking up which shows out attention to them being awake to the twist at the end. In point 3 you see some weird mythical stuff happening like hoddies becoming alive. In shot 4 we see a colour change to a famous blue colour this is when we know something is about to happen. In shot 5 we can see a mid-shot of paper flying everywhere this is a shot we they pursue and keep playing. In shot 6 we see a high angle bird’s eye view shot of him lying on his bed trying to escape from what he thinks is reality. Shot 7 we see a subjective shot of him flying on his bed with a train behind him this is when we see a different reality like in inception however it is a dream. In shot 8 we see all three band members being chased by the guitar which is floating. In shot 9 we see him rolling out of bed in the morning which shows, that the music video was all a dream. This is inspiring video because it is a postmodern video, and they were always pursuing.

Friday 12 October 2012

I chose this music video because; both Gabriella Cilmi and Pamola Faith have a very unique voice. You can see that there styles are very different but yet their songs are very similar. Gabriella Cilmi has attempted to give this video a very serial feel to it. Like we are present when she is filming the video. She has not used challenging shots as the majority of them are a medium shot with close-ups. The first shot we see of her is a Dutch tilt from a high angle, we then see a medium shot of a man playing the drums, and it then jumps back to her lying on the ground. As she gets up we see the camera moving higher. We then see a close up of someone playing the guitar. This is only 14 seconds into the song but we get a country like feel. We see next a close up of the drummer and the celloist. This means that we get an immediate feel for the shots that she will be using throughout the song. She uses some props such as a caged door, to give us an effect of a guy in prison. ‘Or behind bars' so to speak. We see a close up of his face. The camera is very keen its tracking shots and also uses a lot of close ups on the artist and instrument at hand. 44 seconds in to the song we see a 180 degree shot of a man being hung upside down, with rope tied around his body. Cilmi then walks in to the shot and we get a rear view. At 1.02 we have a dolly zoom which is when the camera moves towards the artists.1.06 we have an extreme close up of the man hanging upside down lower face. The camera then pans to someone being tied up in auxiliary chords on the ground. Again we see a dolly zoom. At 1.46 we see an extreme zoom on her face as she is sitting down in the arm chair. At 1.55-2.00 we see the camera zoom out revealing a man in a box in then stays stationary and zoom in on the singer. We then see a low angle shot of her. There is then a high angle of her pouring the water and a close up of the water hitting his face. At 2.57 we see a subjective shot of a man tied in the chair. At 2 58 we see the first long shot of the band in the barn. Because of the lyrics nothing sweet bout me. She is tormenting the men in her video. Considering she was only 16 at the time of the release this is very brave of her.

Within the first six seconds of the video we see, lily Allen awkwardly sitting on the end of her bed as the camera zooms into her face, which takes us from a mid-shot to a close up. For 3 seconds we get a mid-panning shot of her in bed with a man hugging. We then jump to her sitting on the bed as we zoom in on her; it then goes to her lying on the sofa eating. We immediately get an impression that she is or has gone through a bad break up recently and is having flashbacks about it. At 15 seconds into the song we then go to another flashback of them reading at 17 seconds we jump back to a close up of her eating a chocolate brownie. We then go to a panning mid shot if her eating in her bed. We then have a mid-shot to a close up back out to a panning mid shot of her sitting on her bed. Which is using dolly zoom coming in on an angle? At 40 seconds the atmosphere and the scene changes to her up against a wall in what looks like a rough part of a city with graffiti surrounding her. As a man approaches her we see an over the shoulder shot of her giving money to the man. We suddenly realise what she is doing and she walks away. We then see a mid-shot of 4 people against a wall and being handed money from lily Allen as a shot reverse shot. At 57 seconds we see the camera pan out. We see a dolly shot of a man on the phone walking down a street. It the jumps to a long shot and in the shot we see a girl who was handed money by the guy who lily gave money to, (that may have sounded confusing. She then attacks the man and another guy who was against the wall joins in. They then return back to lily Allen and get some money. However the twist is he is on a date with her. Then they start talking about it and in this we see a shot reverse shot as they drink their coffee then see a shot of the boy and girl in his house scratching and causing mischief. With a long shot of lily watching. As we know that she has planned all this. We also see a mid-shot of them nearly getting back together and then not. We then see a mid-shot of him trying to DJ but can’t because everything is scratched. The finishing shot is a dolly shot of her walking down the road singing. This video is more of a short story about seeking revenge on someone who broke up with you. However sometimes you can take it too far.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Music director

Friday 5 October 2012

Email to the record label regarding the song

Dear sir or Madam,

I am a student in year 13 studying Media and for our A level media coursework project, we have been asked to reconstruct a music video. I am writing to seek your permission for the use of Pamola Faith's Track, Upside down. I can guarantee you that this is for educational purposes. It will not be a direct copy of the Original copy it would have been reconstructed and modified it will only be the use of the music which would be highly appreciated. Thank you very much for your time and hope to hear back from you

Yours Sincerely

Harry Hoare

Year 13

Friday 28 September 2012


The song in which i have decided to do is, Upside Down - Pamola Faith. The things that draws me to this song is the fact that she is an alternative artists and she is very unique in her own sense of frame. We can compare her mucsic video to likes of florence and the machine and also adele. There is a common factor in all their music videos, they are allways sining alone, occasionaly with some back up dancers. However they do not have random shots of crowds of people. As well as this they are very personified in their music videos.

Wednesday 26 September 2012


Hi everybody and welcome to my new blog. I will be taking you through different steps to make a music video, and how i will be making mine.