Wednesday 30 January 2013

Difference between digipaks and CD cases

A digipak contains a fold out mechanism, kind of like a book. The album cover is normally placed on the front, where as the track listings are normally found on the back of the digipak. When you open it up you will find the CD itseld, a little leaflet containg information about the songs and the  copyrights of  the song and whatever else they want to include on it. As well as this they would of bought artistic value to the fold out's.
The main aim of a digipak is to increase value, as well as this provide added information about the song,they are allowed to promote other CDs, tell us about album cover and history of the artist, who is the record company is and information on the record label.
I am going to create a 6 sided digipak and my aim is to make it as Intriguing and summoning as possible. I am going to do this by using colourful images and large fonts.

A Cd cover, this is also known as a jewel case, it consist of a plastic protective cover, and then a holding CD tray in the middle where you can put your CD. At the front it is normally left clear so you can put the album cover in it, this means that when you look at the front of the Cd you will see the album cover. Then on the back this is where the track listings are found, obviously with the Cd in the middle.
It has some advantages and disadvantages to a digipak,the advantage are; Cheaper, more reliable, less easy to damage, easier to carry, more accesable and its lighter. Where as the disadvantages are; does not contain as much artwork, does not contain as much information and is not as 'pretty.'

My digipak will contain;

  • Artist name.
  • The song.
  • Infomation about the song.
  • Album cover.
  • The Cd.
  • Information on song.
  • Information on video.
  • My company logo.
  • Company info.
  • Lyrics to the song.

Friday 25 January 2013

Font Tests



Tomorrow – Accent SF

Tomorrow - Adventure black SF

Tomorrow – Algerian

Tomorrow – Balloonist

Tomorrow - Copperplate Gothic Bold

Tomorrow - Blackoak Std

Tomorrow – Castellar

Tomorrow – Digital

Tomorrow - Goudy Stout



Poster font - Goudita Heavy SF

Poster font - Wide Latin

Poster font - Rockwell Extra Bold

Poster font - Rosewood Std Regular

Poster font - Ultra Serif SF

Poster font - Engravers MT

I have been experimenting with different fontds in which i would use on my album cover or poster. I could not decide between one so i put a few of my favourite up, i think these really bring the attention towards the digipack. They are quite alternative fonts as is the genre i of the song.

I decided to call my album tomorrow, as i am trying to caption the difference between the rich and the poor. So i thought that tomorrow would be a sutible because of looking towards the future and seeing what it holds. I thought that calling it the future was to ' mainstream.'  

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Marketing Your Album

If we look at for instance Pamola Faith,  She realease an album on November 27, 2012. The album in itselelf is called fall to grace. When we look at the album cover we can see that it is very artisticly drawn. As well as this it has loads of colour to it, as it looks like she if floating. This could emphasise the point of it being a very realxed and chilled album. As well as this there are also parrots flying around her. Parrots are world renowned for being a house hold bird and a bird that can talk to you, not only this but they are renowned for being a 'thing of beauty.' Due to the Parrots being so colourful and beautiful and flying around her. She herself is wearing a long red dress and floating in the middle of the album cover, it looks like she herself is a bird of some origin. 
So the photo defiantly draws your attention into it and intruiges you more and more. I think that the photo on the album cover is vital, as you need something to draw the audience into it. Especially in the modern day when the majority of people will download it straight from ' you tube' or Itunes.
When we look at the font which has been used to spell her name, it is again a very artistic font which grabs your eye. I in person think that the font must have been hand written and pressed or copied onto the album cover as not all the letters are the same size.  However when we look at the album name we can see that it is a bacis cambria font. Roughly size 16, this may be because if people have seen the album photo and the artist name, they may already bet thoroughly intreged in the album.

There are several different ways in which artist promote themselves, such as creating a fan page, a fan page will allow your fans to come see your local news and when your next gig is, also they have got twitter to connect with influential people in the industry. Not only this but they  create  blogs on blogging websites such as blogger or wordpress this allows them to post every day about whatever they do or have done. Albeit there are many social networking sites there are 2 main ones, twitter and facebook, these are both used by artist to promote themselves and post links about where to find there new videos or songs.

As well as this there are also talk shows and radio interviews in which the artist will participate in, this gives them an upper hand as they have been in the public eye, and represented themselves in the best possible way they could. Due to them being in the public eye on a frequent basis, this intruiges the public on a broad scale and we look them up. A prime example of this is a band called the foals, they where not heard of on a vast basis, then they went on radio one, they where established as a very 'cool' band and people loved that.

Talk shows are on of the most productive ways in which a artist will publicise itself. As they would do talk shows all around the world in as many different  situations as they can. This will again put them in the in the public light, but then again any form of press is good press. Also because the artist will be doing a talk show in several different countries at a time, he or she is being seen by a larger amount of people. As well as this but because the artist is being asked on a frequent basis to come and do a talk show, this is going to boost their confidence.

Monday 14 January 2013

Wealthy - Dylan and Letty

This is Dylan Marshall, I have chosen him to play Letty's boyfriend. He is 17 years old and in year 12. He is good friends which is why i thought that the two of them together would go well. Dylan is very immature so he would always have a smile on his face, which is perfect for the music video. As when you listen to the song it puts you in a good mood.
This is letty, she has the resposability of playing the wealthy girl. She is a very good singer so therefore she will be sining in some sections of the song. She is also very classicly beautiful. Which is perfect for her playinfg a wealthy women. She is 17 and in year 12. All of the main actors are in the same year.

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Casting shots..... Less Wealthy women and her Boyfriend

I chose Ludo for my video becase he has been a very good friend of mine for the past year and a half. As well as this he is very flexible in what he does and where he plays. As well as this he will be playing the role of Jays boyfriend. So he has well will be playing a poverty stricken character.    Ludo himself is 18 years of age and lives in belgium. He speaks three languages and is in year 12. He would be perfect for the role as he can go where you want him too and as well as this he can sometimes have an agressive attitude.
This is Jay, i chose her for my music video because she is wanting to become a proffesional singer, so she has a very unique voice. As well as this she can turn her voice into a reflection stage. Jay will be playing the poverty stricken girl.